• Books


    It’s been a while since I started to think that I should write a review of a certain book titled “Room“. The  reason is just that “Room“ is one of those books which make a real impact in you and you get hooked…

  • Vlogs

    Vlogs or Video blogs (Part 1)

    Some days ago, I was talking with a friend about what can be done in the field of the audiovisual production so they will make people notice these things and they can be used as part of a portfolio. The thing…

  • Shows

    Black Mirror

    Almost a year ago, my sister told me about a British show called Black Mirror. I should let you know that at home words like “British show” or “British actor” have always implied quality and that is why I decided I…

  • Books

    The Giver

    If there is something you need to know about me is that I love reading. I guess it is something my parents taught me as a child. I wasn’t the kind of girl who stayed at home every day surrounded…